, similar to the origin of its name, reflects a comprehensive and dedicated approach to the incessant search for excellence in health and sports performance. Just like the imposing jaguar, whose large head inspired our surname and our origin, the institution stands out in promoting health and optimizing sports performance, adopting a holistic approach that recognizes the vital interdependence between body and mind.

Our mission is to promote research in the field of sports science as well as studies on athletes with interventions designed to help them obtain the maximum performance possible.

We believe in exciting projects that cultivate qualities such as dedication, discipline, intrinsic motivation and resilience. The ability to stay focused on goals, have emotional self-control and be adaptable are crucial to facing pressure and overcoming physical and mental challenges.

We function as a guiding light for the courageous, those who yearn to explore the confines of their own capabilities, not in search of recognition, but to uncover their inner strength.

Here, it makes no difference whether you are an elite athlete, a dedicated enthusiast or simply someone who loves challenges; Our mission is to seek improvement, overcoming and the essence of your full potential without neglecting damage reduction. In high performance there is no "free lunch".

Committed to guiding you on your journey, our principles are harmoniously intertwined with the pursuit of health and high performance, without ever losing sight of the pleasures of life "no one is made of iron". Join us in this tireless pursuit of excellence, where every step is a living declaration of passion for sport and the celebration of life itself.


Downhill La Cumbre (Bolívia) 64km /4.700m

Nossa missão

Proporcionar cuidado humanizado e de excelência em saúde, com foco na vida e no acolhimento com qualidade, na construção de conhecimento e na sustentabilidade.

Nossa visão

Ser um Instituto de excelência nas práticas médicas, assistenciais e de gestão, integrado por uma equipe comprometida com a melhoria contínua.

Our team

Our strength lies in our individuality. Set up by Esther Bryce, the team strives to bring in the best talent in various fields, from architecture to interior design and sales.

woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
woman wearing black scoop-neck long-sleeved shirt
Esther Bryce

Founder / Interior designer

woman in black blazer with brown hair
woman in black blazer with brown hair
Lianne Wilson


man standing near white wall
man standing near white wall
Jaden Smith


woman smiling wearing denim jacket
woman smiling wearing denim jacket
Jessica Kim
